Tuesday, May 10, 2005


We found out what happened to Jennings yesterday. He called a staff meeting to tell us all that last week he felt tightness in his chest, so he went to the emergency room. They checked him out and couldn't find anything wrong with him, but they scheduled a stress test for him, and he took remainder of the week off. The tests were negative, but they still suggested that he "take it easy".

Which he did for about seven seconds.

Immediately after the meeting he called MacDougal in and reamed the guy for a solid half hour. Word is that he was in charge of satellite communications for Operation Crunchtime, and either failed to set up encryption or implemented some scheme that might as well have been ROT13. Anyway, MacDougal got railed pretty hard, so when it came my turn, Jennings basically just said "Don't do it again," and let me go.

One of these days, MacDougal's going to get his walking papers. This morning I get to pick out a new gun.


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