Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Lenin Statue Disgusts MacDougal

For those of you who don't know, there's a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Fremont. I don't know the whole story, but from what I know it was shipped over here from one of the Western European countries shortly after it fell. It is said to be the biggest statue of Lenin in the country, which, given the number of Lenin statues in the country, isn't really saying much. I never really gave too much though to the statue, until recently, for one reason.

MacDougal hates it. Enough that he came in the other day with a petition to have it removed. The petition has three signatures on it so far, most likely from people who just want to be left alone.

The statue "represents everything that is wrong with the world," and "goes against everything he fought for during the Cold War". He demanded that we sign the petition. I don't think any of us care one way or the other whether the statue is there or not, but we all argued with him anyway because he was acting like such a putz. When a child sees the statue and asks who it is, someone can explain to them what a great and terrible man Lenin was. MacDougal would rather them read a book. Perhaps there's some satisfaction that the crumbling of an Evil Empire resulted in public art for America? MacDougal thinks that if they want a statue so bad, they should melt it down and make a statue of one of our own leaders. The guy just will not be swayed.

As I excused myself to go back to work, I pleaded, "It's standing in front of a Taco Del Mar, for God's sake! The statue! Of Communism's champion! In front of a chain restaurant that sells mediocre faux Mexican food! If the irony is lost on you there, I don't know what else to say.". And without missing a beat he shouts back, "You know where that taco place is? Fremont! It's all hippie communists over there!"

Anyway, I have a bunch of other updates to make, I swear. I just haven't had time.


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