Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Friendly Warning

Ever needed to do something embarrassing, something that polite society frowns upon, like pick your nose, looked around to make sure no one was looking, and then did it? Well, I'm here to tell you: don't. Or, if you need to, make sure you're under a bridge or inside a car or something. Seriously.

I'm going through some surveillance video from one of our satellites, and there's a guy scratching his rear end for a good minute and a half... and the only reason he stops is because someone exits the building he's standing outside of. And this is not an isolated occurrence. This feed is detailed.

That's why I get such a kick out of how excited everyone gets over Google Maps. "I can see my house!" Well, not only can I see your house and the bald spot on your head as you sit on the back porch drinking lemonade and reading the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, but I can also read the headlines and tell that the lemonade is pink.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.


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