Thursday, June 02, 2005

Public Market

As most of you know, Seattle has a rather famous Public Market down off Pike Street. For a long time (I have no idea how long) there was free one hour parking for shoppers, and just recently they started charging $3 an hour. I know all of this because Gruber wouldn't shut up about it today. Supposedly it costs the market a million dollars a year and they need to recoup that by charging for parking, but you just know that they're making money off the whole thing, and its not the tourists who pay for that but the people who really support the market, and it's really inconvenient for him to drive all that way and then have to pay parking and if the baguette sandwiches at Le Panier weren't the best in the city he wouldn't bother anymore and as it stands he might not go anyway and he might even write a letter...

Deep breaths, my friend, deep breaths.

The best part of all this is... it's not like Gruber pays for it anyway. Unless you go out and start buying his-and-hers Bentleys, the agency takes care of all your expenses. He doesn't pay for the baguette or the parking, or the gas or even that tacky, beat-up, "vintage" Nash Rambler he drives to get there. The faux moral outrage was threatening to ruin the afternoon until Wallace pulled a Reservoir Dogs and announced, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Excuse me, Mr. Pink, but the last [expletive] thing you need is another baguette sandwich."


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