Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I suppose more details are in order regarding the last post. I'll get the trivial stuff out of the way first, simply because it's easier to write about.

I've been busy. Too busy to write much. Right after the W/B trip, I was called into action and sent to Moscow, which as I said, is not very hospitable in January. I had only a short time between the time I was notified I was leaving and the time I actually left, so I called up Matty and asked him would he please TiVo any and all of the Seahawks playoff games. He said "sure thing". Just in case, I called up my parents and asked my dad to record them on the VCR. It took a while to convince him that the Patriots and Seahawks would not be playing two separate games at the same time, but eventually he believed me and said he'd do what he could. As a last measure, I asked the Tech Guys to record the games to MPEG so at worst I could watch them on a computer screen when I got back.

Everyone failed me miserably.

Matty TiVoed the games, but didn't mark them "Save Until I Delete", so they were overwritten by Grey's Anatomy and all of the other crap that his wife taped. My dad couldn't figure out how to get the VCR to work. He only had a month. And when I asked the Tech Guys about it, the response was "You were serious about that?" So like I said, I thought I was going to have to buy the Steelers Super Bowl Champs DVD when it came out, but luckily Keith found a torrent of the Super Bowl somewhere online. It took forever to download, but eventually he burned it onto DVD for me and I watched it, horrible resolution and all, on my TV at home.

The Seahawks got hosed.

Look, I realize it's been more than a month since the Super Bowl. I don't care. I just saw it. I may have seen officiating as egregiously poor as that game, but it certainly wasn't as one-sided as Super Bowl XL. A lot of people around here subscribe to the theory that officials don't lose games, the players do. That's a bunch of crap. In any game, you have X number of opportunities to win. When the officials start taking away those opportunities, and giving them to the other team, it's possible for a team to overcome the odds and win, but the officials are still responsible for what happens. Anyway, it was over a month ago. I should probably just let it go.


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